05 Aug We Need Your Help
Get in our corner for North Texas Giving Day!
In the art of boxing every fighter needs a corner man. Someone that has a connection to the fighter and watches over them. The corner man is a protector, an adviser and a motivator. As a non-profit striving to impact as many youth in the North Texas community as we can, we also need someone in our corner. We are calling on everyone that has been impacted by Ring Of Hope to join us in our corner and help us raise money through North Texas Giving Day. If eveyone in our Ring Of Hope family set up a fundraising page and raised as little as $100 it would make a great impact in our community. We ask you to read below and learn how you can set up a fundraising page and help us raise money by telling your friends and family about the impact that Ring Of Hope has had in your life. Join the fight!
What is North Texas Giving Day?
Communities Foundation of Texas’ North Texas Giving Day is an 18-hour online giving event designed to empower every person to give back to their community by supporting local nonprofits and causes they care about in one easy-to-use platform. Learn more about North Texas Giving Day
What is a FUNdraising page?
FUNdraising pages are a way for people to help fundraise for the non-profit of your choice through peer-to-peer giving. By creating a page, you are lending your voice, resources and network to Ring Of Hope and helping us reach our fundraising goal.
How you can help us raise money on North Texas Giving Day!
Setting up a FUNdraiser page is quick and easy and you can have fun rasing money for Ring Of Hope. We have made a quick tutorial video below that shows you how to set up your fundraising page. Pages can be created August 1st – September 18th.
STEP 1: Set up your personal FUNdraiser page for Ring Of Hope
STEP 2: On September 9th FUNdraising begins and your donors can start scheduling donations towards your FUNdraiser page.
STEP 3: You have 11 days to get the word out and raise money! Sept 9- 19th. Simply email, text and share your fundraising URL* to everyone you know!
Durring the first 10 days people can schedule a donation on your page. On Thursday Sept 19th all donations will process.
1. Kick off the donations by donating to your own page!
2. Text your friends and family with your page url and ask them to donate!
3. Send an email to your contacts with your page url and ask them to donate!
4. Share your page on your Facebook and Instagram pages!
5. Track your donations and always say Thank You!
6. HAVE FUN!!!
*When you create your FUNdraising page you will create a unique URL for you to be able to share for people to access your fundraising page. Here is an example URL: https://www.northtexasgivingday.org/getinthering
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